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Magazines: Mojo 60's (June 2011, cover)

"It's a new kind of MOJO Special Edition, a deluxe package devoted to the decade that a sage once described as the greatest in the history of mankind. Centering on the still-astonishing story of the Beach Boys' Smile, finally to be granted release in something close to its original intended form, MOJO '60s includes an exclusive, super-collectible, 7" vinyl 45 of Smile's once-mythic Cabinessence, on special, sunshine-coloured vinyl, and in-depth stories on the Rolling Stones' Between The Buttons, acid and The Red Krayola. Plus unseen Hendrix, Dylan's 1966, a Baron Wolman portfolio, Roy Harper on the first moon landing, and some group called The Beatles."

Magazines: Mojo 60's (June 2011, supplement)

Just the Beach Boys.